Hay una Mitzvá o mandamiento para los hombres en el judaísmo, que dice que deben de utilizar flequillos en una prenda con 4 esquinas. En la era moderna, es muy poco común que la gente utilice este tipo. Así que para poder cumplir esta Mitzvá, los hombres utilizan una prenda que es llamada Tzitzit y se le añaden flequillos con el mismo nombre de la prenda. En adición a esto, los hombres también utilizan una prenda de 4 esquinas que se llama Talit, al momento de acudir a los servicios de rezo en la sinagoga. Hay diferentes tipos de Talitot y el más común de estos es el Talit tradicional.
One of the most well known Judaica items that can be found in a synagogue other than Torahs and prayer books is the Tallit, also known as the prayer shawl.
A Tallit is large four cornered garment that is worn by Jewish men during prayers during the week, Shabbat and Jewish Holidays. The Tallit is typically made from wool and is dyed white. It can actually be made of other material as well, although it may never be made from a combination of wool and linen due to a Biblical prohibition wearing such cloth. Depending on the community, the Tallit may be worn from the age of 7, Bar Mitzvah or after marriage. In some communities, the Tallit is also used in a wedding ceremony, being worn by the groom or used as the canopy used in the Chuppah service.
The Tallit can be decorated with a wide range of scenes and Judaica objects. However, there are few decorations that all Tallitot share. The first decoration is the center of the top edge, which features a second piece of cloth that is typically embroidered with a floral pattern and sometimes has the blessing that is made before wearying the Tallit embroidered in a color such as black and or blue.
The second decoration found in all Tallitot is stripes that run along the sides. The stripes can be nearly any color, but are usually blue, black or white. However, they may be other colors such as green and red. Some Tallitot are multicolored, having stripes in numerous colors and is meant to echo Joseph’s coat. Other common decorations on the Tallit’s top edge and sides are views of Jerusalem, the Seven Species.
In addition to having stripes and a decorated top edge, some Tallits have a specially made Atara, or “tiara” in English. The Atara is a long piece of cloth that usually features sterling silver decorations, typically plates in triangles, squares or stitched sterling silver thread that creates a floral pattern. The Atara, while not a required part of the Tallit, is very popular amongst many groups of Jews.
The Tallit typically comes with strings tied to each of its corners. The strings tied to the corners follow the same rules as those on Tzitzit and may be tied in several different ways, keeping in line with the valid rulings issued by past Jewish leaders such as Rashi, Rambam (Maimonides), Arizal and others. In addition, one may tie strings with Techelet to its corners just like by Tzitzit.
Para más información acerca de Talitot, Productos de Judaica, o artículos de Sinagoga, con mucho gusto to contacte a nuestros expertos en Judaica para que le respondan a cualquier duda o inquietud.
Hay una Mitzvá o mandamiento para los hombres en el judaísmo, que dice que deben de utilizar flequillos en una prenda con 4 esquinas. En la era moderna, es muy poco común que la gente utilice este tipo. Así que para poder cumplir esta Mitzvá, los hombres utilizan una prenda que es llamada Tzitzit y se le añaden flequillos con el mismo nombre de la prenda. En adición a esto, los hombres también utilizan una prenda de 4 esquinas que se llama Talit, al momento de acudir a los servicios de rezo en la sinagoga. Hay diferentes tipos de Talitot y el más común de estos es el Talit tradicional.
One of the most well known Judaica items that can be found in a synagogue other than Torahs and prayer books is the Tallit, also known as the prayer shawl.
A Tallit is large four cornered garment that is worn by Jewish men during prayers during the week, Shabbat and Jewish Holidays. The Tallit is typically made from wool and is dyed white. It can actually be made of other material as well, although it may never be made from a combination of wool and linen due to a Biblical prohibition wearing such cloth. Depending on the community, the Tallit may be worn from the age of 7, Bar Mitzvah or after marriage. In some communities, the Tallit is also used in a wedding ceremony, being worn by the groom or used as the canopy used in the Chuppah service.
The Tallit can be decorated with a wide range of scenes and Judaica objects. However, there are few decorations that all Tallitot share. The first decoration is the center of the top edge, which features a second piece of cloth that is typically embroidered with a floral pattern and sometimes has the blessing that is made before wearying the Tallit embroidered in a color such as black and or blue.
The second decoration found in all Tallitot is stripes that run along the sides. The stripes can be nearly any color, but are usually blue, black or white. However, they may be other colors such as green and red. Some Tallitot are multicolored, having stripes in numerous colors and is meant to echo Joseph’s coat. Other common decorations on the Tallit’s top edge and sides are views of Jerusalem, the Seven Species.
In addition to having stripes and a decorated top edge, some Tallits have a specially made Atara, or “tiara” in English. The Atara is a long piece of cloth that usually features sterling silver decorations, typically plates in triangles, squares or stitched sterling silver thread that creates a floral pattern. The Atara, while not a required part of the Tallit, is very popular amongst many groups of Jews.
The Tallit typically comes with strings tied to each of its corners. The strings tied to the corners follow the same rules as those on Tzitzit and may be tied in several different ways, keeping in line with the valid rulings issued by past Jewish leaders such as Rashi, Rambam (Maimonides), Arizal and others. In addition, one may tie strings with Techelet to its corners just like by Tzitzit.
Para más información acerca de Talitot, Productos de Judaica, o artículos de Sinagoga, con mucho gusto to contacte a nuestros expertos en Judaica para que le respondan a cualquier duda o inquietud.